Torres: What An Enormous Room (Coloured Vinyl LP)
What An Enormous Room is not only the title of the new album by Torres, it is an incantation, a phrase Mackenzie Scott has had in her head now for several years, for as long as some of the songs found here.
What An Enormous Room is an entirely new look at Torres. Scott’s undeniable skill as a guitar player is still the engine driving her songs, but in “Collect,” it’s pushed through a polyphonic octave generator, creating a sound that is sexy and alien and peak Torres, a provocative statement of purpose that’s both a call to arms and a call to the dance floor. “Wake To Flowers” is a celebration of the unexpected joy of things turning out much better than one could have hoped. It’s on the slinkier side of What An Enormous Room, exploring new territory for Torres that Scott attributes to recording with her friend Sarah Jaffe, the Texan singer-songwriter whose inclination to break genre boundaries has led her to collaborate with Eminem and producer Symbolyc One.
Jaffe provides What An Enormous Room’s rhythm section, playing bass and drums, and the easiness of her collaboration with Scott made it possible for songs like “Jerk Into Joy” to emerge like the incantation central to it, and the album itself—after years in Scott’s head in a way that is simultaneously more direct and more sonically ambitious than any Torres record to date. When she sings “look at all the dancing I can do,” it’s an invitation to awe, and there is much here to be awed by.
Indie exclusive blue and white vinyl version.
Happy Man’s Shoes
Life As We Don’t Know It
I Got the Fear
Wake to Flowers
Ugly Mystery
- Collect
- Artificial Limits
- Jerk Into Joy
- Forever Home
- Songbird Forever